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GraphQL Wroclaw #6 Online

GraphQL Wroclaw #6 Online
Typ wydarzenia:
06.07.2021 (wtorek)
Online Event
On your computer

* 19:00 - 19:10: Introduction

* 19:10 - 19:40: Talk #1

* 19:40 - 19:50: Q&A with Valentino

* 19:50 - 20:20: Talk #2

* 20:20 - 20:30: Q&A with Rafał

* 20:30 - 21:00: Talk #3

* 21:00 - 21:10: Q&A with Stehpan


Join us online for the #6 GraphQL meetup Wroclaw!

Submit a talk for the next event: https://tiny.pl/9hpsd

Watch the promo video: https://youtu.be/q11nA8BOLYo

Talk #1 - Here's a subscription you can't refuse - Valentino Gagliardi

In this talk, you will learn how to pair Django, Channels, and Ariadne to leverage the power of GraphQL subscriptions, in a few lines of code!

Valentino Gagliardi is a freelance consultant with many years of experience in the IT industry. He spent the last years as a front-end consultant, providing advice and help, coaching and training on JavaScript and React. He worked as an instructor for many training agencies around the country, running in-person workshops and creating learning paths for aspiring developers. Author of Decoupled Django, and The Little JavaScript Book, he loves to share his knowledge on his blog with tutorials reaching over 100k monthly visits. Avid Django user, he is active in the Python community as a speaker, and as a coach for Django Girls.

Talk #2 - Few things I wish I knew or a quick review of selected GraphQL features and practices - Rafał Pitoń

GraphQL sure did change a lot over the last few years and so did the knowledge of its features and best practices.

Let me take you on a subjective review of selected few of those based on my experiences as lead dev of Ariadne, GraphQL library for Python and GraphQL user myself.

I’m Rafał, co-creator and lead dev of Ariadne, a Python library for implementing GraphQL servers. I’m also GraphQL user myself, having using GraphQL both on server and in the client.

In this talk I’ll show few GraphQL features and practices selected based on my personal experience as well as frequently asked questions from Ariadne’s community.

Talk #3 - GraphQL outside the happy path - Stephan Schneider

Not every error is created equal in programming. Some errors are expected, but ultimately you will run into the ones that are not. To build an excellent API, treat errors as first-class citizens, take customers by the hand and walk them to success.

Stephan Schneider is an unnecessarily tall backend developer at Contentful in Berlin. He grew up too fast (pun intended) to still play with Legos, so instead Stephan is clicking together APIs to form new exciting things out of building blocks that sometimes weren’t even intended to be used together. Here’s some ASCII art on how to spot him in a crowd: …i…

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