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139th meeting of Wrocławska Grupa .NET ONLINE

139th meeting of Wrocławska Grupa .NET ONLINE
Typ wydarzenia:
16.11.2021 (wtorek)
Online Event
On your computer

We are pleased to invite you to the next Wrocławska Grupa .NET meeting.

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[EN] "Fix your technical debt and improve your architecture with NDepend"

In this session Patrick will explain how to improve your .NET code architecture and code quality.

The session will consist in a demo on a large .NET OSS website analyzed with NDepend.

Technical-debt estimation will be use to assess progress.

The key is to provide insights to keep your .NET code maintainability high and live in beautiful code.

Patrick Smacchia

My dad being an early programmer in the 70's, I have been fortunate to switch from playing with Lego, to program my own micro-games, when I was still a kid. Since then I never stop programming.

I graduated in Mathematics and Software engineering. After a decade of C++ programming and consultancy, I got interested in the brand new .NET platform in 2002. I had the chance to write the best-seller book (in French) on .NET and C#, published by O'Reilly and also did manage some academic and professional courses on the platform and C#.

Over my consulting years I built an expertise about embracing the architecture, the evolution and the maintenance challenges of large & complex real-world applications. It seemed everyone ended with the same spaghetti & entangled monolithic legacy problematic. As a consequence, I got interested in static code analysis and started the project NDepend.

Today, with more than client companies, including many of the Fortune 500 ones, NDepend offers deeper insight and full control on their application to a wide range of professional users around the world.

I live with my wife and our twin kids Léna and Paul in the beautiful island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.


[PL] "Date & Time in C#"

Podobno w programowaniu jedną z trudniejszych rzeczy jest odpowiednie zarządzanie cash-em i przeliczenia walutowe. Osobiście dodałabym do tego odpowiednią obsługę dat i czasów. Podczas prelekcji przyjrzymy się jak to wygląda w .NET oraz jakie nowości w tym temacie prowadził Microsoft.

Weronika Sabiniewicz

Senior Software Developer-ka w Objectivity. Na co dzień pracuję z technologiami Microsoftowymi - .NET oraz Auzre, a na frondendzie ❤ Angular. Chociaż ostatnio zajmuję się prowadzeniem wewnętrznego Community oraz prowadzeniem mniejszych projektów.

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